Have You Prepared Your Equipment for the Heat? If not, You’d Better Hurry!
Everyone is doing their best to keep costs down. Budgets are reviewed over and over again to find a bit more savings. So perhaps air conditioning maintenance has been cut back, or cut out entirely.
Last year’s cooler-than-usual summer meant that your air conditioning equipment wasn’t worked that hard. But there’s no guarantee that this summer will be as mild. In fact, we’ve already seen some near-record high temperatures. So when triple-digit heat comes around, you want to be ready.
Have Air-Tro’s professional service technicians visit your site and get ready for the cooling season. Air conditioners deliver more cooling and use less electricity if they’re cleaned, checked and tuned up to their best. You’ll avoid breakdowns and expensive repairs, and extend the life of your equipment.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get ahead of summer rather than wait for it to get you.