CALL 626.357.3535
Community Involvement
Future Innovators: Monrovia Kids Participates in 2019 First Championship
Call Air-Tro, the company the San Gabriel Valley trusts for all its heating and air conditioning needs. (626) 357-3535.
Helping to Find Comfort at Home-Away-From-Home with the Long Beach Ronald McDonald House
The Walk for Kids took place Sunday, April 28th at Shoreline Park and together, over $260,000 was raised for the Ronald McDonald House. Air-Tro was happy to participate and is proud to support those making a difference in our local community.
Supporting Monrovia Guild of Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
In November 2018, Air-Tro was proud to support the Monrovia Guild’s Annual Fundraising Event, “Celebrating Love and 70 Years of…
Supporting our Future: The Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills
Air-Tro is proud to support the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills and our local community.
Christmas Baskets Brighten Lives
Ten days before Christmas in 2018, the Knights of Columbus were able to brighten the lives of 59 deserving families.…
Air-Tro is a Proud Sponsor of NBC4’s Southern California’s Colleen Williams 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Air-Tro is a proud sponsor of NBC4's Southern California's Colleen Williams 23rd Annual Charity Golf Tournament.
Supporting the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills
Air-Tro is proud to support the Boys and Girls Club of the Foothills and our local community.
Home Tour Benefits Huntington Medical Research Institutes
On Sunday, May 6, 2018, the Altadena Guild of Huntington Memorial Hospital hosted their sixty-seventh annual home tour entitled “Put…
Supporting the Students of Foothill Oaks Academy
Students in Duarte, CA recently had a wonderful Spring Event called “Foothill Oaks Academy Night on Broadway” and we were…
Casino Night at the Arcadia Elks Lodge Helps to Fund Scholarships
Air-Tro was privileged to participate in the Arcadia Elks Lodge annual Casino Night Charity Event.