Commercial Property Owners: Take Control of Your Energy Bills
Wondering how you can cut costs? Quite frankly, if you’re a commercial property owner, you can’t afford to be without technology that allows you control over the heating and cooling in your building 24 hours a day. A smart thermostat is your solution. Let’s take a look at some of its immediate benefits:
Insanely Convenient
It’s late on a Friday night. Your office won’t be open again until Monday, and there’s not a soul to enjoy the coffeemaker, the fancy office chairs, or the new magazines in the waiting room. So why is your air conditioning on? Because let’s face it, sometimes that happens. A busy manager or conscientious admin might have left the thermostat at a temperature that made the conference room quite comfortable for the meeting earlier in the day, but forgot to turn it down before they left at 5. With a conventional thermostat, you’d be looking at a weekend’s worth of completely unnecessary HVAC bills. And who wants that?
A smart thermostat will allow you to not only check the temps whenever you feel like it but also change the thermostat settings appropriately, whether in the moment or ahead of time. Furthermore, depending on the model you choose, you can also receive notifications whenever the building’s indoor temp goes outside a predetermined range you’ve already set for various times and calendar days.
Energy Saving
As you might imagine, more control over indoor temperature turns into energy savings, too. With a smart thermostat, you can regulate exactly when the building stays warm or gets cool to minimize wasteful usage. On hot days you’ll be able to cool down the building before employees or tenants arrive. On colder days you can warm things up before someone inevitably enters the office, says, “I’m freezing!” and turns up the thermostat unnecessarily high. It’s a win for those inside your building, and you as a property owner, too.
Smart and Inexpensive
But don’t take our word for it. Check out the cost range and utility features on today’s smart thermostats. We’re confident you’ll find that even the simplest models offer far more options than a conventional one. All are relatively easy to install, too.
We know so many things in today’s world are advertised as “must-haves,” when really the one you already own is perfectly fine and will be long into the future. But thermostats have truly come a long way since even the models offered five years ago. Check out your options and take advantage of the newest ways to save on your energy bills. After all, indoor comfort is even more comfortable when it’s cost effective!
Have questions about which smart thermostat makes sense to purchase? Unsure how to integrate a new model with your existing HVAC system? Get in touch today. We’ve been keeping California comfortable since 1969! (626)357-3535.