Fight the Spread of Office Germs and Bacteria with UV

With “sick building syndrome” making headlines and flu concerns greater than ever before, the pressure is on commercial building owners to maintain indoor environmental safety like never before.
Did you know you can keep your commercial space healthy and clean by including new UV light technology with your existing HVAC system?
Say Goodbye to Mold and Other Dangerous Microorganisms
Ultraviolet devices made for your heating and cooling equipment can not only kill existing bacteria lurking in your commercial building, but remove viruses from circulating.
Once used exclusively in medical settings, UV accessories are now convenient and cost effective in a variety of industries and environments.
From warehouses to office buildings, manufacturing plants to small businesses, this technology is providing cleaner, safer air for tenants, employees and office staff.
Air-Tro Has the Solution.
It’s nothing to sneeze at: learn more about how you can protect your commercial building, while saving real money at the same time.
Click the button below to download “Hi-Tech Flu Protection: Using UV At the Office” White Paper.
Download “Hi-Tech Flu Protection: Using UV At the Office” White Paper