Air-Tro Heating and Air Conditioning’s Own Bob Helbing Selected for Rotary Award
Awarded George J Carlson Award for Recognition of Outstanding Commitment and Service
We at Air-Tro just had to hijack this space to let you know how proud we are of our company’s CEO this week, as he received a very special award by the Monrovia Rotary Club. For those unfamiliar with this popular organization, Rotary Club is an international service club founded in 1905, with more than 35,000 clubs worldwide, open to all. A long-time member of Rotary, Bob is well known for his tireless efforts volunteering in service to others and as a booster for our city.
Born on New Years Day in San Diego in 1990 (okay, 1969), Bob was mostly raised in the city of Pasadena. He attended both St. Francis High School and the prestigious California Institute of Technology, where he studied aeronautics.

After graduation, he worked on the Minuteman, Trident, Peacekeeper and other missile projects. Luckily for all of us, however, he decided to instead join his father and brother at Air-Tro Heating and Air Conditioning in 1990, where he has remained ever since, overseeing the team selected nine times as the Best Heating and Air Conditioning Company by the San Gabriel Valley Reader’s Choice Awards.
He and his lovely wife Erin (also a brilliant writer and editor) live here in Monrovia, where they have raised three sons and and serve as respected volunteers for many local civic organizations.
Congratulations, Bob!
Need reliable heating and air conditioning service for your HVAC system? Call the experts at Air-Tro, at (626) 357-3535.