Greater Los Angeles Homeowners Can Save On HVAC Electricity Costs Year Round

Greater Los Angeles Homeowners Can Save On HVAC Electricity Costs Year Round

With Greater Los Angeles HVAC electricity costs as expensive as they are, knowing how to get the most out of your system with minimal energy consumption, can save you a ton of money. And as the temperature starts to cool down, right now is the best time to consider your options.

First, it’s important that you understand that only half of the cost of your utility bills involve the energy you use. The other half of the cost, called transmission charges, is for the equipment, such as wires and transformers that transport the electricity from the power plant to your home. The more you use your system, the more both rates go up.

The best way to lower your utility bills, is to ensure that your system is in the best working condition possible. By making sure that your system is operating correctly, you will ensure that your operating costs are kept to a minimum. But how can you be sure that your heating equipment is in top condition this winter?

The best way is to get a maintenance plan for your heating equipment. A professional maintenance plan will involve routine inspection of your system by a trained technician. If you haven’t had an expert check out your system yet, you should do it now before the temperatures drop.

Another option for reducing energy consumption and saving money is to turn back your thermostat a few degrees. By reducing the workload on your system, you will have the potential to take a good chunk out of the amount you pay on your utility bills.

For more information on the Greater Los Angeles HVAC electricity costs and how you can lower them, contact the professionals at Air-Tro, We have been servicing the greater Los Angeles area since 1969 and our well-trained professionals have the experience needed to provide you with efficient home comfort solutions.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about electricity costs and other HVAC topics, visit our website.

Air-Tro Inc. services the greater Los Angeles area as well as the metro areas of Riverside and San Bernardino County