Southern California Edison switched to its summer rates on June 1st, with a base rate of 36¢ per kilowatt-hour and a peak rate of 57¢/kwh between 4 and 9 pm; that compares to a national average of 16¢/kwh. Yet scientific research shows that humans sleep best when the indoor temperature is 68°. How can we stay comfortable, sleep well, protect the environment, and still afford to pay our electric bills?
The first step is to make sure your air conditioner is working at peak performance.
Check to see if the filter is clean; replace it if it isn’t. Keep the house cool mid-day (before 4pm, when rates are lower). To save money, program the thermostat to allow higher temperatures at peak hours while lowering it at bedtime. Most evenings see a quick fall in the outdoor temperature, so open the windows to let cooler air in. (Note that this won’t work during a “monsoon” when humid air from the Gulf of California keeps evening temperatures elevated). Make sure your air conditioner’s indoor and outdoor coils are clean for the best possible heat transfer rates and lowest possible electricity usage. If you’re not comfortable cleaning the coils, call us at Air-Tro and we’ll have a technician check and clean the system for you.
If your air conditioner is an older model, it’s possible that the time has come to retire it and buy a new, variable speed system.
Today’s top designs use electronically commutated compressors and blowers that ramp up gently and self-select optimum speeds to give your home exactly the cooling it needs. These systems can cut electricity usage by two-thirds over designs from twenty years ago. If you saw utility bills over $400 a month last summer, an older air conditioning system could be to blame.
Nothing makes a bigger difference to your electric bills and your carbon footprint than your air conditioning.
During the summer, nothing makes a bigger difference in your home comfort, either. To find the best balance between cost and comfort, between refreshing the old or replacing with new, call (626) 357-3535 to speak to the air pros at Air-Tro. We’ll be sure to put you in your comfort zone.