Protect Yourself and Your Family with These Furnace Safety Tips
And Don’t Forget to Change Batteries in the Carbon Monoxide Detectors!
It’s getting cold outside and with the holidays, most folks will be spending more time at home. Know the rules for safe furnace operation and indeed, any equipment in your home that uses natural gas as its fuel, and presto! You have one less thing to worry about during this busy season.
*Get your furnace inspected once a year. Let’s face it: most people probably haven’t been paying close attention to what’s around their heating equipment, especially during the hotter months. An inspection by a qualified HVAC professional can troubleshoot smaller system issues before they become bigger ones. Why wait for an expensive breakdown when you can prevent costly problems before they happen?
*Check airflow. Without proper airflow, your furnace could consume all the oxygen in a room or even an entire home in the right conditions. Make sure your floor and wall registers throughout your house are clear of furniture or any other blockages. You’ll help your system work more efficiently too.
*Ensure nothing flammable is around your furnace. Never, ever store kitty litter, paint, turpentine, stacks of papers or any other high-risk item near your heating equipment. Don’t hang clothes from a furnace and always make sure no toys or other easily combustible items are nearby.
*Install carbon monoxide detectors, and if you own them already, change their batteries now. As with smoke detectors, it’s critically important to not only have these inexpensive, life-saving devices in key areas of your home, but also to regularly check to make sure they’re still working. Unfortunately, fire risk peaks during the holidays. If you use a furnace, stove or other natural gas appliance in your home, carbon monoxide detectors could save lives. It’s that simple.
*Change your air filters. Did you know that a clogged air filter will block air from getting to your furnace and make it harder to heat your home? Changing your air filters regularly (every 3-6 months, more if you have pets) is the number one way to ensure peak performance from all your HVAC equipment. Your furnace will thank you for it with more efficient operation and lower utility bills, as well as greater safety.
Take care of your furnace and you can expect 15-20 years out of your heating equipment. And by following the safety tips above, you’ll be keeping your family safe throughout the winter season. That’s good value, any way you look at it. From our family to yours, happy holidays!
Keep your family comfortable and safe with HVAC that works, every day of the year. Call the experts at Air-Tro. (626)357-3535.