Air Purifiers Can Help Maintain a Healthy Home
While the media focuses on airborne viruses and the risk of global pandemics, we’ve been fielding a lot of questions about the benefits and limitations of in-home air purification systems. Certainly, even before the emergence of Corona virus, air quality indoors has become a central concern for many homeowners. Smoke, pollutants, mold and multiple viruses have become real threats in our day-to-day lives, and the HVAC industry has responded.
Before any review of the alternatives, there are basic measures you and your family can take against any disease threat, immediate or long-term.
1.) Wash your hands.
Experts around the world say this is largely the best way to avoid illness and contamination from a variety of dangers. We’re not talking about a quick soap and rinse, either. Instead, the CDC recommends you use not only soap and clean, running water, but thoroughly wash for at least 20 seconds. Scrub your nails, the back of your hands, and between your fingers.
2.) Avoid standing next to sick people (coughing or sneezing).
Rather than using masks (which have limited efficacy, are hard to affix correctly, and need to be replaced after each use) experts suggest that the best solution is prevention. Avoid standing within a couple of yards of someone actively ill, if possible. Separate sick family members in a different bedroom and bathroom when necessary, and make sure to clean house daily.
3.) Avoid touching your eyes, nose, lips, ears and face whenever possible.
This is a hard one to do, but if you can avoid bringing your fingers to your face when out in public, you can lower your risk of disease transmission. This is especially true on airplanes, on public transportation, or even at your local gym.
Along with these sensible prevention measures above, consider an HVAC air purification system for your home. While it is by no means a panacea against disease, it provides significant, documented benefits to your family by improving air quality. For those with asthma, respiratory disease or allergies, the installation of this equipment can be a lifesaver. If you’re concerned about the effects of indoor pollution, mold, dust mites and smoke along with bacteria or viruses, it’s worth exploring the new technologies now available to consumers for heating and cooling systems.
What are some options?
A. HEPA filters.
A sturdy High Energy Particulate Air Filter stops more than 99% of airborne irritants and pollutants from flowing through your home. Inexpensive and easy to install, this is your first step towards cleaner air in your home.
B. Carbon filters.
Using an activated carbon, pleated filter will stop VOCs, noxious gases, vapors and other contaminants in their tracks. The activated charcoal acts as a sponge, absorbing these pollutants from the air that flows through the filter.
C. Ultraviolet air purification.
The UV light within this kind of equipment kills mold, bacteria and viruses in the air that passes through your system, before it gets to you.
Regardless of the method you choose, your HVAC system should promote good air quality within your home. Coupled with sensible hygiene and safety tips, indoor comfort can also mean peace of mind.
Have questions about the air quality in your home? Call Air-Tro, the HVAC company people trust for all their commercial and residential needs. (626) 357-3535.