Name That Tune: Common Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Problems and Their Solutions

These “Greatest Hits” Are Good to Know 

service and maintenance, HVAC

Your HVAC system may be a superstar for providing indoor comfort, but even a tried and true classic can encounter its fair share of challenges. From weird noises to uneven heating levels, here are some common HVAC problems and their practical solutions. Knowing them will keep your system running well for a long time to come. 

Baby, Baby, You’re Cloggin’ My Filter

Clogged air filters are a one-hit wonder you can do without. Dirty filters restrict airflow, reducing system efficiency and indoor air quality. The solution is easy.  Regularly replace air filters every 1-3 months to ensure optimal performance and air circulation. They’re easily found online and in stores nationwide, and available for far less than the cost of a night of live music! 

That’s Not Heavy, That’s My Thermostat

If your HVAC system seems unresponsive, the problem might be a faulty thermostat. Check its batteries, settings, and if necessary, its overall calibration. Sometimes, a simple reset or just a battery replacement can solve the issue. If problems continue, consider upgrading to a programmable model for better control over your energy usage and lower utility bills. 

Refrigerant’s Makin’ Me Sad

Low refrigerant levels can lead to insufficient cooling or spotty heating, often accompanied by ice buildup on the evaporator coil. Refrigerant leaks do require professional attention to locate and repair the leak before recharging the system to the correct levels. Regular maintenance can help detect and address leaks early, preventing costly repairs. If you see a leak, get in touch with your HVAC specialist as soon as possible. 

Evaporator Coils, You’re So Cold

If your HVAC system is blowing warm air or you’re experiencing reduced airflow, frozen evaporator coils may be to blame. Common reasons for these cold coils may include restricted airflow, low refrigerant levels, or a malfunctioning blower motor. Thawing the coils and addressing the underlying issue, whether it be a dirty air filter or leaky ductwork, can usually fix the problem. 

Thump, Rattle and Roll

Mysterious sounds emanating from your HVAC system don’t usually mean a ghost. Instead, they suggest one of a variety of issues, from loose components to worn-out parts. Inspect your system for loose screws, debris, or damaged equipment. Consult your HVAC specialists to diagnose and fix the issue promptly.

Hey Coolin’, Can I Count On You?

If certain areas of your home are warmer or cooler than others, you may have issues with ductwork, insulation, or system zoning. First, check for a blocked vent, leaky ducts, or inadequate insulation in affected areas. As a solution, you may consider installing a zoned system or smart thermostat to customize temperature settings for different areas of  your home.

Short Cycles, You Move Too Fast

Short cycling occurs when your HVAC system frequently turns on and off, leading to premature wear and increased energy consumption. Causes can be anything from a dirty air filter to the wrong sized  units, or even just a faulty component. Your HVAC specialist can inspect and correct the problem. 

I Got a Blown Fuse and a Broken Heart

Blown fuses, tripped breakers, or electrical malfunctions will disrupt your HVAC system’s operation. Check the electrical panel for tripped breakers and replace blown fuses as needed. If electrical issues continue, don’t try to fix it yourself. Bring in a qualified electrician or an HVAC technician to diagnose and resolve the underlying problem, safely!

These HVAC problems might be part of the playlist for anyone with a heating and air conditioning system over the long term. However, you can avoid many, if not all of these ditties with regular maintenance and inspections. Indoor comfort can be hassle-free!. And that’s a tune we all like hearing. 


Air-Tro is a family owned business that has been serving the San Gabriel Valley and beyond with high quality HVAC services since 1969. Give us a call! (626)357-3535.