Make Sure Your Monrovia Home Is Ready for Spring with These Maintenance Tips
It’s finally spring, which means it’s also time for seasonal maintenance. Spring is the perfect time to look around your home, note any winter damages (we did have a bit of snow, after all) and complete all necessary repairs. These simple maintenance tips can help you get started:
Roof. Heavy rain, wind and even relentless sunshine can wreak havoc on your roof. You can use binoculars to check for trouble spots, such as shifting or missing shingles. If any shingles are popping up, water can seep into the nail holes.
Leaks. Checking for leaks is important all year-round, but why not make it part of your spring regimen? Look for signs of pooling water under appliances, condensation on pipes and hoses, streams of water around faucets and damp places in cabinets under sinks. If you spot of these signs, call your plumber right away, as excess moisture can lead to mold. Also, make sure to schedule maintenance on your water heater to check for sediment buildup and signs of corrosion.
Air leaks. Check your home inside and out for signs of cracking sealant and caulk. You should repair air leaks before cooling season starts, so you don’t lose conditioned air outdoors.
Spring cleaning. Spring is prime time for giving your home a once-over. Clean grease residue off of kitchen cabinets, backsplashes and walls with mild detergent and warm water, and then repeat this procedure for cleaning your bathroom. Dust or vacuum window casings, ceiling fans and the top of cabinets before renting a steam cleaner and cleaning your carpets.
HVAC maintenance. Check around the outdoor air conditioner condenser and make sure your unit is free of leaves, debris, fallen limbs and any other obstructions. Then, change your air filter, vacuum the vents to the supply register and schedule your spring A/C maintenance check. Make sure your service pro checks your hose connections, refrigerant charge, belts, thermostat settings, controls and condensate drain. Your technician should also lubricate all parts and clean coils.
For more spring maintenance tips, contact Air-Tro Inc. in Monrovia. We’ve been keeping homeowners in California comfortable since 1969.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in the greater Monrovia, California area about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).
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