Preventive maintenance

California wildfires

Winds Up? Power’s Down

Living without electricity isn’t easy in this modern age. Fortunately, it’s possible to install backup generating power that kicks in automatically when Edison pulls the plug. If you’re interested in a Generac backup power system, don’t hesitate to call the energy experts at Air-Tro at (626) 357-3535. Keep your lights on safely regardless of wind or weather.
woman checking fuse box home during power outage blackout no electricity concept

A Power Outage Can Occur At Any Time And At Any Place — Are You Ready?

It’s easy to take electricity for granted until -- suddenly -- the power goes out and you no longer have access to it. Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about power outages and other HVAC topics call Air-Tro at 626-357-3535.